Conservation Network Application | Hispanic Access Foundation

About the Conservation Network
The Conservation Network connects, builds, and empowers Latino professionals committed to tackling pressing challenges in land, ocean, and waterways conservation, climate action, and ensuring equitable access to public lands. This group provides guidance to Hispanic Access while actively engaging the Latino community in our conservation efforts.

Conservation Network Members will collaborate with Hispanic Access and the advisory team on best practices for actively involving the Latino community in meaningful discussions and events, ensuring that their perspectives are integral to our conservation initiatives. 

Roles & Responsibilities  
  • Participate in interactive online workshops and discussions led by experts in the fields of conservation, climate change, advocacy, and more. 
  • Take action on conservation issues by meeting with decision-makers and the media and organizing or participating in town halls and petitions as opportunities arise. 
  • Opportunity to receive grants to organize community events in line with Hispanic Access' yearly initiatives like Latino Conservation Week, Latino Advocacy Week, and others. 
  • The opportunity to participate in conferences, seminars, and other meetings representing Hispanic Access as opportunities arise (travel and lodging will be covered). 
  • Members may be asked to help with tasks related to Hispanic Access' broader goals 
  • Build relationships with colleagues from around the nation and Puerto Rico, expanding your network.
Please fill out this application if you are interested in joining the Conservation Network as a General Network Member. We will reach out to you in a timely manner once it has been submitted. 
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